Friday, September 28, 2007

Robespierre and The Reign of Terror

In the aftermath of the French revolution many leaders in France were sent to the guillotine due to supposed injustices. After much turmoil one leader in particluar rose to power whose law was absolute and killed on whims. When King Louis XVI was executed, Maximilien Robespierre rose to power.
He attempted to wipe out all traces of the old monarchy. In one instance you could be friendly with him an in another he could be sending for your execution.

He was the very first dictator of that kind to rise to power. He was suspicious of everyone and trusted no one. In the end he fell by the same guillotine he used to execute so many of his enemies

"Robespierre, with his cruel moral relativism,
embodied the cardinal sin of all revolution, the hearlessness of ideas."

Paul Johnson
"The Spectator"

July 28, 1794 he fell.

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